Pinterest profile search
Pinterest profile search

  • Make boards that were underperforming or no longer relevant to my site secret (Don’t delete boards!.
  • Wrote better keyword-rich descriptions for my boards.
  • Renamed boards to most popular keywords in my topic areas.
  • Wrote a better keyword-rich description for my profile.
  • Renamed my profile to place keywords in the front of my profile name.
  • Clearly, optimizing my profile worked if you look at the results above!

    pinterest profile search

    I’ve talked in the past about how to do Pinterest SEO and how to optimize Pinterest for better traffic but hadn’t yet put it into action for myself. How I optimized my Pinterest to increase traffic 346% in 20 minutes The best part is I spent only 20 minutes to create this bump! (The last data point is only 2 days versus 7 days.) We’re looking at a 346% increase in Pinterest traffic in Dec versus Jan. Here’s a shot of sessions from Pinterest for the same time period: That’s a pretty nice bump on Jan 1, right after I spent 20 minutes optimizing my Pinterest profile! But of course, what we really care about is how many of those people came to my site. Here’s a shot of my Pinterest Analytics, looking at my audience reach for Dec 1 – Jan 31: Optimizing my Pinterest Profile Increased Pinterest Traffic I've now designed my Pinterest Management Services to include profile optimization, but I wanted to share my tips with you if you're someone who wants to manage their Pinterest on their own. And it’s something you can do to optimize your Pinterest profile and get more Pinterest traffic too. That being said, I used a quick trick recently on Decemto increase my Pinterest traffic by 346% in just twenty minutes. I don’t need to tell you that Pinterest can be a huge source of traffic for your website-but it’s usually a big time commitment to attract more clicks from Pinterest.

    pinterest profile search

    Optimizing your Pinterest profile can do wonders when it comes to getting more traffic from Pinterest.

    Pinterest profile search